Economic, Regeneration Tourism and Transport  


Project Development Fund

Project Scoping & Budget Holder Approval Form




NYC Area Constituency Committee Name

Scarborough and Whitby

Project Name

A 2.7 mile Active Travel Link and Cultural Trail between Eastfield and Scarborough Town Centre

Description of Project Location

To develop options for an active travel (walking and cycling) route incorporating a cultural trail between Eastfield and Scarborough Town Centre.


NYC Division(s) in which the project is located


Project Lead Officer Details


Faye Snowden / Keisha Moore

Job Title

Economic Development Project Officer / Senior Transport Planning Officer

Email /


07801 902899 / 01609 536441



Please outline why the budget is required and what are the current barriers to project development it will help overcome?


This project has two elements:

a)    To develop an active travel route between Eastfield to Scarborough Town Centre; and

b)    to identify options to create a cultural and heritage trail on the proposed pedestrian and cycling route from Eastfield to Scarborough Town Centre.


The Eastfield to Scarborough Town active travel route is already identified in an LCWIP (Scarborough Corridor 1) and is listed as a high priority, it has already had some initial scoping work completed and some potential route options identified. The next step is to complete Preliminary Designs with an indicative cost of £90 - £120k which is more than is available from this fund.


This scheme is a high priority in the LCWIP and it aligns with other local schemes/improvements that will unlock economic growth e.g. the Levelling Up Fund, the chance of the scheme attracting funding from an alternative and more targeted source is high.


A cultural trail would add extra value to the route and planned regeneration. The feasibility study for this element will identify specific enhancements to create a cultural and heritage trail along the route. The trail could include public art, sculptures, educational artwork and signage displayed creatively along the trail. There is a great wealth of heritage to celebrate in the area. The trail could be based on something new, expand on Scarborough's brand identity or celebrate local assets, for example: The Roman Villa remains uncovered in Eastfield, the 200 year old meadows flora fauna and wildlife, Olivers Mount, Maritime history and The Mere.


The study will include cost estimates and an indicative delivery programme to offer cultural enhancements to the area which suffers from high levels of social and economic deprivation. The trail will link the area to the town centre, further encourage the use of the new route and support future regeneration of the area. The wider project supports the underlying opportunity to promote the health and wellbeing benefits of active travel and reductions in CO2 and air pollution.


Both projects have the opportunity to include creative community engagement and collective work with local schools, businesses and community groups to help build pride of place and local ownership of the area.


Following the feasibility study, the programme of cultural enhancements to the proposed pedestrian and cycling network can then be delivered when funding is available.





This project would link Eastfield and the Town Centre, support planned regeneration and enhance the cultural provision in the area while encouraging active travel and leisure. It is essential that the development of the cultural trail be aligned to coincide with the development of the route to ensure the delivery of both projects is carried out in a time-optimised approach, adds value and minimises disruption. To do this, the route needs to be further developed before the cultural trail element can be progressed.


Officers therefore recommend that both elements of this project are supported but endorsement not provided at this time given the strong chances of securing alternative funding for the development of the route and that the indicative cost of the work would likely require using all, or almost all, of the ACC Project Development Fund.  It is therefore also recommended that the heritage aspect is also postponed until the route is defined  and designed (timescales for this tbc), to ensure the most effective outcome from the feasibility work and funding.


Officers are currently looking at alternative funding options for the future which might include the use of Capability Funding for route development.  


Please detail what specific costs the budget will be spent on?


a)    The next step would be to commission Align Property Partners (APP) to undertake some preliminary design work for the route.


b)    A Feasibility report be commissioned containing the following outputs:


·         Site visit and collecting data, (in conjunction with the route project team)

·         Investigation to develop a cultural trail that adds interest along the walking and cycling route

·         Design including initial drawings

·         Drawings/documents prepared ready for consultation, incorporating deliverables and the next steps.


Please describe the future project that this activity will help to unlock.


Scarborough South Master Plan 2020.

Scarborough Town Investment Plan.

The Mere and Olivers Mount Master Plan 2020.


Walking and cycling route Eastfield to Scarborough Town Centre Project.


This work will look at developing preliminary designsgiving greater cost certainty but once we have indicative costs, we can start looking at relevant funding or fundraising opportunities.



Detail how the project will contribute to the North Yorkshire Council ‘Council Plan’ and the Economic Growth Strategy or the Destination Management Plan


(Reference should be made on how a future project will help deliver the respective strategies)



This project along with the wider project to create the new walking and cycling route will contribute to the ambitions included in the Council Plan under the following themes:


place and environment.

·         Promote and encourage active travel including walking and cycling

·         Encourage and support sustainable living in our communities and towns as well as the transport in between, including promoting and encouraging active travel including walking and cycling

·         To protect the local environment and ensure our air, streets, beaches and open spaces are kept clean and attractive.

·         Seek improvements to transport connectivity and inclusion

·         Ensure that developments meet the needs of all and consider health and social inequality offering Housing developments easier access to employment and economic opportunities


·         Harness North Yorkshire’s natural capital and promote the green and blue economies through design

·         To promote and improve North Yorkshire’s tourism, sporting, and cultural offer, to increase visitor spend in three key market towns, and be accessible for all (walkers, wheelers, and cyclists)

·         To promote economically and environmentally sustainable tourism by providing safe active travel infrastructure that doesn’t currently exist

·         To promote culture, heritage, arts, theatres, museums and galleries.

health and wellbeing

·         Encourage people to make informed choices about their health and encourage active and healthy lifestyles

·         Support improvements to peoples mental health and wellbeing

·         Help maintain and develop high quality, inclusive sport and leisure facilities

·         Develop new, integrated models for the delivery of leisure services (active travel infrastructure that caters for leisure users) that meet rural and urban needs.

·         Support a more active environment that makes it easier to move more and which prioritises opportunities for safe play, walking and cycling.

·         Help reduce health and social inequalities through healthy place-shaping and targeted work with groups, communities and neighbourhoods.

·         Help to address the wider social, economic and environmental determinants which influence health inequalities and compromise the health, well-being and life chances of children and young people, such as road safety


·         Improve road safety to prevent injury, disability and death caused by road collisions.



·         Reduce the amount of business miles travelled in employees’ own vehicles by encouraging alternatives such as active travel, public transport and virtual meetings.

·         To ensure services provide value for money.


Economic Growth Strategy – This project supports the aim to create strong communities and clean inclusive growth. Active travel opportunities will provide access to services and employment. This project will strengthen the cultural offer and support local heritage. 


Destination Management Plan (subject to finalisation and adoption). The project supports the priorities from the emerging Destination Management Plan.




Detail how this project meets local priorities including linkages with local regeneration plans and strategies.


The project supports the following local priorities, strategies and regeneration plans:


Scarborough South Master Plan 2020 – This project supports the following vision for Scarborough South:

To transform Eastfield and the wider Scarborough South area, creating attractive and sustainable neighbourhoods and a thriving economic hub. The area will be a safe, vibrant, happy and healthy community where people are proud to live, learn, work and can achieve their full potential. We want to ensure that the masterplan has the greatest impact on people’s lives and guarantees a prosperous and sustainable future for everyone.


Eastfield Pact Partnership (Pact) This project supports their aim to increase walking routes and activity in and around Eastfield.


The Mere and Olivers Mount Master Plan 2020 – Supports the potential regeneration options identified.


LCWIP – Supports the creation of new cycle routes.


The existing and new Local Transport Plan – The plan is committed to increasing transport modal choice and supporting local people to be healthier and happier.


NYC Sport & Active Wellbeing Service Introduction 16/04/24

 - The trail would encourage people to use the route to access services and would support the overall aims of the plan.


Scarborough Town Investment Plan and the Scarborough Blueprint - Both support an Eastfield to Town Centre cycling/walking route and enhanced cultural provision. The project will support Scarborough’s priorities to improve pedestrian areas and create an important cultural experience.


Lets Talk Scarborough

Resident consultation launched on the 6th May and focuses on the following themes:

·         Enhancing safety and security

·         Reviving our high streets, regenerating Scarborough and enhancing our heritage

·         Improving transportation and connectivity





Will the service area be making a financial contribution to the project development costs?  If so, please detail.


No contributions are planned from the service area.


Please confirm the amount of money required.


Please provide a breakdown of costs / estimates where available and how these have been calculated.


a)    £90,000 - £120,000 is the estimated cost of the development and design of this route.


b)    Align Property Partners have estimated £2,571.61 for the culture / hertage trail feasibility work and drawings ready for consultation stage.


Breakdown estimate from APP:

Stage 1 - Investigation

Site Visit and collecting data, initial drawings for comment - £1,302.56


Stage 2 – Consultation

Prepare consultation drawings / documentation £1,157.05

To include deliverables and the next steps £112


Potential additional costs at Stage 2 if delivered by Align rather than NYC Officers:

Deliver if required / send out by email £394.64

Attendance at any events (depending on time of day) £69.31 per hour

Collation of any comments (allowance of 2 days) £949.12

Amendments to drawings (time charge) £49.33 per hour

Committee report (f required) £474.56


Stage 3 – Procurement / Construction (not include in above quote)

Tender documents preparation £1,421.20

Tender queries, (estimate 4 hrs, only charge what we do) £197.32

Tender review and award report (if on price only) £315.96

Pre-start meeting etc £266.63

*Supervision (based on 20hrs per week) £787.40 per week (this figure would need to be multiplied by the number of weeks the agreed programme is for)

*PM (based on 20hrs per week) £1,186.40 per week (this figure would need to be multiplied by the number of weeks the agreed programme is for)



Any 3rd party surveys that are required are excluded from the above cost


What is the staffing resource within NYC required / how will it be resourced?


Has the capacity to complete the activity been confirmed with the relevant service manager?


Dependencies on other NYC services


This project will require input from the Transport Planning Team who are leading the route project, to ensure both projects are coordinated. The cultural and heritage trail element could be led by the Project Team, Economic Development or Regeneration Project Officers.


Please outline the anticipated timeframe for delivery of the activity?


Please include details of how the activity will be procured (if required).


 As it is not recommended that this scheme is taken forwards using this funding, timeframes for delivery and procurement routes have not been considered during this scoping process.

Can the proposed work to be funded delivered within the allocated financial year?

As it is not recommended that this scheme is taken forwards using this funding, timeframes for delivery have not been considered during this scoping process.

How will progress and the outcome of the project be reported to the ACC to aid effective monitoring?

As it is not recommended that this scheme is taken forwards using this funding, progress reporting mechanisms have not been considered.


What are the benefits of undertaking this work now?


What opportunities / estimated economic, social or environmental benefits could be derived for the future project outlined above?


Developing a scheme to ‘bid ready’ stage means that should appropriate grant funding be made available we can make a bid, alternatively, fundraising efforts can be established.


This project would deliver an increase in the cultural offer in the area. It will provide a safe, green and active leisure provision for residents and visitors and support delivery of improved health and wellbeing.  




ACC Meeting Date When Project Scope Agreed


Draft Minute Number



(ACC Chairman)






Using the details in the Economic, Regeneration, Tourism and Transport Project Development Fund Guidance Note please comment on how the proposed project meets the identified criteria for the Fund.


Project Name





Project Details



Strategic Fit



Local Fit






Delivery, Timescales and Monitoring






Evaluation Completed By





Job Title









NYC Area Constituency Committee


Project Name


Lead Officer


Requested Budget Allocated?

Yes / No








Job Title

